Materials for Luc P. Beaudoin’s keynote to the HUMAN’22 – 5th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext – #HUMAN22. The title of his talk is: “Hypertext Applications of Integrative Design-Oriented Cognitive Science: A Framework for Cognitive Productivity”
The PDF of this paper is available on ResearchGate:
On applying integrative design-oriented cognitive science to hypertext: a framework for cognitive productivity. Human’22 workshop of HT ’22: 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media.
Some references
with apologies about the inconsistent formatting:
- The Hook Productivity app that I demo’d, which enables Mac users to easily copy link all kinds of information (web pages, emails, files, tasks, PDFs, etc.). File links are robust: move the files and the links still work. Hook even supports deep linking to locations in PDFs and videos. The interface is a bit like launchers and Spotlight, but it is context-sensitive tool. Basically it adds link services for macOS.
- A Manifesto for an Integrative Design-oriented Approach to Understanding Humans as Autonomous Agents – CogZest
- Beaudoin, L. P., Pudlo, M. & Hyniewska, S (2020). Mental perturbance: An integrative design-oriented concept for understanding repetitive thought, emotions and related phenomena involving a loss of control of executive functions, Simon Fraser University Education Reviews, 13 (1), 29–58.
- Beaudoin – Meta-effectiveness, Effectance, Mindware and Other Key Concepts for Understanding the Development of Adult Competence
- Moors, A. 2017. Integration of Two Skeptical Emotion Theories: Dimensional Appraisal Theory and Russell’s Psychological Construction Theory: Psychological Inquiry: Vol 28, No 1
- Bernard J. Baars AND Stan Franklin 20019 Consciousness is computational: the LIDA model of global workspace theory | International Journal of Machine Consciousness
- Scherer-1987-Toward a dynamic theory of emotion.
Re the keynote, there will be a two-pager by Beaudoin in the proceedings
In addition Beaudoin was interviewed in June — related to Human’22. The interview will be published in SIGWEB Newsletter Summer 2022
Additional materials will be added here before the presentation.