News and Press

Press Highlights

    • Luc and his R&D have been discussed in The Sleep Foundation, The Guardian,  The New York Times, The International Business Times of London, Quartz, Women’s Health, Oprah’s magazine (print & online), Vogue, LifeHacker, Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools, Radio-Canada & CBC (countless shows), Popular Science, The Government of Canada’s Canadian Institute of Health Research, Forbes, Inc., etc.
    • The Hook productivity app, mySleepButton® app and Cognitive Productivity books have been featured in numerous websites since their release.
    • Cult of Mac published a rave review  of Hook productivity app, saying “This is such a fantastic, simple idea that it seems like it should be built into every computer“. Hook, now known as Hookmark, is a CogSci Apps® invention designed by Luc and colleagues.

Recent Media Coverage and Events

  • 2017-05-07.”KNOCKED OUT” Lila MacLellan of Quartz (New York) writes an elegant article “A cognitive scientist has devised a drug-free sleep trick for your restless mind“.
  • 2017-05-01 to 2017-05-04. Luc P. Beaudoin was interviewed by several radio stations, TV stations and journalists across Canada in English and French (Global TV, SiriusXM, CBC, Radio-Canada, Chatelaine, CJAD 800 in Montreal, etc.). E.g., Tasha Kheiriddin By AM640 (also this podcast of 2017-05-03, she qualified the cognitive shuffle as  “Sleep techniques for lazy people”). Also by c. 16 CBC Radio stations across Canada. (Why? Well this is his contribution to getting the word out about extensions/applications of cognitive science to the unique window into the human mind that is sleep onset. And what easier way is there to visit potentially millions of Canadians coast-to-coast?)
  • 2017-04-28. The May issue O Magazine (Oprah’s print magazine) includes an article on Luc P. Beaudoin and the cognitive shuffle by Kelly DiNardo.
  • 2017-03-09. Luc was hosted by Read & Trust productivity blogger and Mac software developer, Brett Terpstra for Episode 187 of the Systematic Podcast for a discussion of Productive Cognition.
  • 2016-12. Luc was interviewed for an article on sleep, insomnia and the cognitive shuffle for the May issue of Oprah Magazine (annual circulation: 11 million)
  • 2016-11-23. The December issue of Women’s Health Magazine (UK) includes an article by Virginia Woodhall on mental wellbeing. The article has a 243-word section about the cognitive shuffle, based on Virginia’s recent interview with Luc. (Globally, WHM reaches 8 million readers annually.)
  • 2016-11-07. For Roundhouse Radio’s “Sense of Place” Minelle Mahtani interviewed Luc live this morning about sleep at this time of year.
  • 2016-09-28. The official periodical of the Canadian Bar Association, National Magazine, wrote an article discussing Beaudoin and mySleepButton: Insomnia? There’s an app for that.
  • 2016-09-26. SharpBrains published an article by Luc on focusing for cognitive productivity.
  • 2016-09-08. Phil Melnychuk wrote an article about Luc  for a special issue of Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows News, “Our Community Our People”: “The Science of Thinking“.
  • 2016-08-31. We published mySelfQuantifier.
  • 2016-07-26. Luc’s research was the feature of an article on
  • 2016-07-20. Aaron Rand (CJAD 800, Montreal) interviewed Luc Beaudoin about the cognitive shuffle. Great questions. (Recording is here.)
  • 2016-07-20. Luc Beaudoin was interviewed by Virgin Radio UK  @ 10:30 AM GMT.
  • 2016-07-18. Luc Beaudoin was interviewed  on CTV news (a national Canadian news network), where he briefly explains the technique. This link includes the recording (c. 4 min).
  • 2016-07-15. The Guardian published an article by  that briefly explains the cognitive shuffle and mySleepButton. It’s a good article. We prefer the term “treatment” to “cure”. See mySleepButton’s FAQ, and its advise about “Critical Information Processing”.
  • 2016-07-07. mySleepButton was featured in the New York Times as “A Snooze-Worthy App”.
  • 2016-06-27: Luc Beaudoin’s R&D was featured in The Globe & Mail, CBC News and GlobalTV , discussing wearable technologies to improve health.
  • 2016-06-23: A Forbes magazine article by David DiSalvo featuring Dr. Beaudoin’s research and mySleepButton was published today.
  • 2016-06-16. This week, Dr. Luc Beaudoin was interviewed three times: on Radio-Canada (“Phare Ouest”), on News1130, and CFAX (Victoria, Ian Jessop), regarding his research presented at SLEEP-2016 (Denver, CO).
  • 2016-06-10. R&D related to mySleepButton was featured by Simon Fraser University.
  • 2016-05-02. published an article by Luc on cognitive techniques to promote sleep onset.
  • Nov 24, 2015. Luc Beaudoin was interviewed by Carol Thorbes on Roundhouse Radio about cognitive productivity and the mySleepButton app for insomnia.
  • 2015-03-17: Luc was interviewed by Ian Jessop of  CFAX radio (Victoria) about “Information Overload”/”cognitive overload” (or dealing with the copious amounts of information we receive via the Internet) and cognitive productivity.
  • January-March 2015: Luc was interviewed by several news organizations about psychological issues pertaining to sleep, insomnia, time change, and napping. (E.g., Radio-Canada, GlobalTV BC News, CKNW, CFAX).
  • May-July 2014: Luc was interviewed about his work on sleep onset (the cognitive shuffle, serial diverse imagining, super-somnolent mentation, etc., and CogSci Apps Corp.’s software: mySleepButton) by several news organizations.
  • Leanpub interviewed Luc about Cognitive Productivity. (Podcast available from Leanpub and iTunes.)
  • 2013-08-26. Luc was on BC Almanac (CBC Radio 1) with Marc Forsyth and  Chris Kennedy (Superintendent of Schools of the West Vancouver School District in British Columbia).
  • 2013-07 and 2013-08 Luc was interviewed by several media outlets and organizations regarding his new book, Cognitive Productivity: Radio-Canada (BC, Monique Polloni), News 1130 (Vancouver, Drew Snider), CJSF 90.1 FM (Vancouver, Frieda Werden), News Talk 770 in Calgary and 630 CHED in Edmonton (John Bolton), 1550 AM Radio (Vancouver, Tajinder Nijjer) Leanpub (Len Epp), Maple Ridge News, Tri-City News.
  • 2013-07 Luc interviewed Canadian Juno award winning singer-songwriter, David Francey. They explored cognitive productivity in the artistic realm. The recording is available on this web site.
  • Luc wrote a long form post on Canadian director Philippe Falardeau’s regarding his Academy award nominated film, Monsieur Lazhar.