Endorsements of Cognitive Productivity Book

My book,  Cognitive Productivity: The Art and Science of Using Knowledge to Become Profoundly Effective, has just been released. I’m happy to say that I have already received positive feedback from my reviewers and readers.

Thanks to Dr. Michael Arsenault for allowing me to share his endorsement on this web site.

Dr. Arsenault was head of what I am told is America’s largest pediatric emergency ward in North America.  Dr. Arsenault is a firm believer in the importance of using technology to improve productivity in medical practice. Dr. Arsenault instituted many technological enhancements during his tenure as Head of this department. He is benefitting from these improvements as Emergency Pediatrician. (He is also Associate Professor of Clinical practice at the University of Montréal.)

Dr. Arsenault is representative of the clients we serve: People who value using science and technology to enhance their effectiveness. For them, expertise is not a crystallized end-state, it is a never ending process of self-improvement. This process aptly described by Carl Bereiter and Maria Scardamalia as “fluid expertise”. It is also described in Cognitive Productivity.


Published by

Luc P. Beaudoin

Head of CogZest. Author of Cognitive Productivity books. Co-founder of CogSci Apps Corp. Adjunct Professor of Education, Simon Fraser University. Why, Where, and What I Write. See About Me for more information.