Postscript to Cognitive Productivity, and Relation to Cal Newport’s Deep Work Book

I’ve updated Cognitive Productivity with a new Postscript section. It includes a link to the equally new online version of the postscript, which I encourage you to read. That web page contains:

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RSS Feeds for Google Scholar, ResearchGate and Missing Features

Tools for discovering high quality scholarly documents have improved. Academic search tools like Google Scholar build on pre-Internet library search techniques. ResearchGate and have facilitated content discovery. However, these services have not adequately kept pace with the proliferation of journals and articles.
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Re-Enter Billy Elliot Stage Left, Exit Britain Stage Right

Meta-effectiveness, or developing oneself with practical and factual knowledge resources, is challenging enough. (Witness Cognitive Productivity.) But (how) can we, and should we develop ourselves with the art of others? Continue reading Re-Enter Billy Elliot Stage Left, Exit Britain Stage Right