I remember reading an article a few years ago about Warren Buffett purchasing local newspapers. Buffett said that whereas large newspapers are under pressure, there will long be a viable need for community newspapers. I concur. Moreover, many communities, like mine, are fortunate to have excellent journalists working hard to cover stories that matter, or ought to matter, to them.
Every year, the Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows News produces an insert called “Our Community our People” (OCOP). Here is the cover page of this year’s edition, released a few days ago. It shows a photo of Anahi English, owner of Stomping Grounds, where I hold some of my meetings. (Per my Instagram feed.)
The people I learned about in OCOP are deeply inspirational models of personal development, that which I strive to understand and support at CogZest and in my research at Simon Fraser University. I wish there was an online version of the OCOP entire insert to which I could link.
I’m honoured to have been selected for an article written by Phil Melnychuk, called “The Science of Thinking”, in this year’s edition of OCOP. Here is a link to a PDF of the article, an image of which follows.
As a student of cognitive productivity, I am truly amazed by the rate at which Phil Melnychuk produces excellent journalism. It reminds me that I need to turn the tables around and interview journalists like him. That is something I have long been planning to do — indeed I have secured an agreement to do — so stay tuned.
Melnychuk, P. (2016, September). The Science of Thinking. Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows News (“Our Community our People” insert), Black Press. p B8.