Left is Hiring Technical Staff in Metro-Vancouver Canada for Wave and Yo!

Yesterday I sung the praises of Left who on Thursday won the Wireless Broadband Alliance Industry’s Best Wireless Innovation and Excellence in Social Impact Award for their wave product.

Today I’m letting you know that Left is hiring technical staff.

Continue reading Left is Hiring Technical Staff in Metro-Vancouver Canada for Wave and Yo!

The Benefits of Corporate Romance: Left is Right for Me

As you might recall, at ISRE-2015 in Geneva, I presented a paper on romantic emotions (“limerence”), in the context of our affect regulation project. The thing about romance is that like other emotions it is a state characterized by a certain loss of control. Control of what? One’s thinking processes. Continue reading The Benefits of Corporate Romance: Left is Right for Me

Experiencing and Analyzing Emotions on a Perturbing Election Night

The U.S. election this evening provides me with a good opportunity to test my understanding of emotion and my emotion regulation practices, as will the future, particularly given the apparent results. Continue reading Experiencing and Analyzing Emotions on a Perturbing Election Night