Yesterday, Drs. Sylwia Hyniewska, Eva Hudlicka and I submitted a paper for the AISB-2017 Symposium on Computational Modelling of Emotion: Theory and Applications. The title of our paper is “Perturbance: Unifying research on emotion, intrusive mentation and other psychological phenomena with AI”. Continue reading Perturbance: Understanding Why Robots Will Have High-Order Emotions Matters to Psychology
Category: CogZest
Challenge and Workshop in 12th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2017)
The name, CogZest, is a blend of “Cognition” and “Zest”, where “Zest” representing affect. Here, we believe that deep learning is not merely a matter of acquiring dry knowledge. It also means learning to perceive and act upon value in a well informed manner. As such, at CogZest we also read, research and publish about affect.
If you are particularly interested in emotion, we encourage you to consider attending the following challenges and workshops organized by Dr. Sylwia Hyniewska, an expert in affective science in general and perception of emotions from faces in particular. Continue reading Challenge and Workshop in 12th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2017)
How to Quickly Access Your Pinboard Bookmarks Using LaunchBar, TextExpander and Related Apps
You can use launchers and/or text expansion apps to quickly access Pinboard bookmarks (and Pocket bookmarks, for that matter). This post shows you how. Continue reading How to Quickly Access Your Pinboard Bookmarks Using LaunchBar, TextExpander and Related Apps
Ways in which Ginger Campbell’s Brain Science Podcast has Transformed Me
Congratulations to Dr. Ginger Campbell, whose Brain Science Podcast is about to celebrate its 10-year anniversary! Continue reading Ways in which Ginger Campbell’s Brain Science Podcast has Transformed Me
The Science of Managing Our Digital Stuff by Ofer Bergman and Steve Whittaker
Ofer Bergman and Steve Whittaker have just published, The Science of Managing our Digital Stuff, that will be of interest to many of our readers. This landmark book deals with some of the core information processing problems specified in Cognitive Productivity. –
Cambridge University Press Pulled its RSS Feeds — Bloggers and Publishers, Please Help Your Readers
Have you ever wondered why many publishers of scientific information don’t provide RSS feeds? I know I have. Continue reading Cambridge University Press Pulled its RSS Feeds — Bloggers and Publishers, Please Help Your Readers
Left is Hiring Technical Staff in Metro-Vancouver Canada for Wave and Yo!
Yesterday I sung the praises of Left who on Thursday won the Wireless Broadband Alliance Industry’s Best Wireless Innovation and Excellence in Social Impact Award for their wave product.
Today I’m letting you know that Left is hiring technical staff.
Continue reading Left is Hiring Technical Staff in Metro-Vancouver Canada for Wave and Yo!
The Benefits of Corporate Romance: Left is Right for Me
As you might recall, at ISRE-2015 in Geneva, I presented a paper on romantic emotions (“limerence”), in the context of our affect regulation project. The thing about romance is that like other emotions it is a state characterized by a certain loss of control. Control of what? One’s thinking processes. Continue reading The Benefits of Corporate Romance: Left is Right for Me
Making Sense of the Political Situation — for One’s Well Being
I believe that we can become better readers, thinkers, and learners as a result of the Trump victory. Continue reading Making Sense of the Political Situation — for One’s Well Being
Experiencing and Analyzing Emotions on a Perturbing Election Night
The U.S. election this evening provides me with a good opportunity to test my understanding of emotion and my emotion regulation practices, as will the future, particularly given the apparent results. Continue reading Experiencing and Analyzing Emotions on a Perturbing Election Night